Stephen Filarsky Goldleaf & Paintings
Filarsky Brown Art Studio LLC. PO Box 337 Franklinton, NC 27525
sfilarsky@aol.com 919-880-2858
One type of lettering job I particularly enjoy is traveling to locations to add names to all varieties of watercraft. I have worked on virtually every size and style of boat from handcrafted wooden electric boats, sailboats, schooners, 80+foot yachts to large commercial vessels. The fact that these boats are highly valued by their owners whether she is a center console fishing boat or the most luxurious yacht, means that the owners have put a lot of thought and pride into choosing the perfect name. I take great pride in creating, crafting and applying the perfect lettering that adds the final finishing touches to a beautiful watercraft!
Gallery of Yachts

Gallery of Budsin Electric Boats

Gallery of Antique Boats